I did this cake for my sister-in-law grandmother's 90th birthday party. They said they wanted pretty instead of fun so I decided this would be a great time to try my hand at gumpaste roses. I haven't had a class on this - just read about it in a book so the learning curve was straight up, but I am very pleased with the way they turned out.

Usually my fondant is smoother than this - I tried a new kind and did not like the way it performed! I think I'll stick with my old recipe from now on and not have bubbles!! I think this one tastes a little bit better, but the taste isn't worth the "bumpiness" on that top layer - oh well - that's why I try new things out on family :)
The top tier was chocolate cake with cookies and cream filling - bottom tier was white cake with pink buttercream filling to match the ribbons.
The top tier was chocolate cake with cookies and cream filling - bottom tier was white cake with pink buttercream filling to match the ribbons.